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February 16, 2012
Draft of Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting of February 16, 2012

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:10 PM at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Little, Salerno and Yale present and Mayor Driscoll present and presiding.  Trustee Merry was absent.  Ms. Tracy was present.
Approval of minutes of November 17, 2011    UNANIMOUS
No meeting was held in January due to lack of a quorum.
Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed.  Library circulation for the months of November, December and January were distributed.  Ms Tracy reported that circulation numbers were down somewhat from last year but Salem continues to have the highest circulation in NOBLE.
Ms. Tracy also reported on the State Aid Grant. ~The Library received $24,025 and was certified by the Board of Library Commissioners. ~This is a partial payment. ~The Library should receive the second payment in the spring.
Ms Tracy reported that John Doherty, Vice President, Eastern Wealth Management had asked to come to the April 19, 2012 Trustee meeting for a discussion of the Eastern Bank investments.  The Trustees felt the June 21, 2012 meeting would be a better time and asked Ms. Tracy to make arrangements with Mr. Doherty.
Ms. Tracy reported on the FY13 budget proposal.  All city departments were instructed to submit a level funded budget.  Due to requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners for Library certification a budget was prepared with a slight increase in order to meet the Municipal Appropriation Requirement.  This slight increase along with other requirements will enable the Library to be certified and eligible for State Aid ($50,474 in FY11).   Certification will also allow Salem residents to borrow materials from other libraries. Trustee Yale made a motion to approve the budget as presented.  Trustee Salerno seconded.
VOTED:   To approve the FY13 budget as presented.      UNANIMOUS
Discussion of the Vacation policy was tabled until written clarification from Human Resources is received.
The new Trustee selection was discussed and the Trustees given resumes of the candidates.  The Trustees asked that Peter Merry and Ms. Tracy invite one of the candidates to meet with them to discuss the role of Trustee and report back to the Board.
Ms. Tracy reported on the upgrade to energy efficient lighting throughout the Library.  The upgrade went extremely smoothly with all work done after hours.  Custodian Kevin Foucher worked nights to oversee all work and was pleased with Hobart Energy Services. For the month of January the electric bill showed some savings but not as much as anticipated.  Ms Tracy will continue to track the electricity bills and discuss savings with the Energy & Sustainability Manager.
The Trustees looked at many cards from the staff thanking them for their generous holiday gift.
Ms. Tracy thanked Trustee Little for the lovely red and white flower arrangements sent to the Library in honor of Captain Bertram’s birthday on February 11th.  They were appreciated and enjoyed by both staff and patrons.
Meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM